Once upon a time…

Next to you
sunlight echoes
its last breath
forfeiting to touch
our fingers.
What comes next
is not lost.
This fantasy
between us
sits outside
your hardwood door
on my granite floor
lying in the rummage
of papers and voices.
The high notes
and low tides
of our time ran out
like your balding
heart. Maybe 
my children will have 
mental imbalances as well
I can feel it
trickling in like wearing
black stockings 
and padded shackles.
Theres no simpler way
to throw caution
against the wall
and strangle it
to escape the fantasy.

staying afloat

in your womb
the silent
indistinct chatter
and a slow pounding

there are no choices        here        it’s
a stifling
pool of piss, saliva, and sweat, dying
to come out

my hands are tied
like my neck
growing while you feed
me. more and more tightly it grows.

now, the air is gone
and the water is fine
the blood red moon
is a clear blue sky

i can hold my breath
and breathe
under water
outside the tomb


Even in hindsight, you stray into
a peep show mob, ponder about
the eternal vertical axis of stray
thoughts and say, “Sleep, iha.”

Child, we make upon the stars a
muddy field of peasant dreams–
pantomime thoughts sold on the
arms of misshapen circumstance.

Tell the angels of your misfortune,
tell the demons of your innocence.
Neither shall send for you, yet both
will wait for your return from death.

Falling, falling from the sky, there
lies a chiasm of wills and no defeat.

It’s not christmas

Einstein stares at me
I see the blood wars and the blood feuds

The dripping white gold
catches into a tube

Lights are burning beyond December

Beyond December

I wait behind your curtain
I wonder at the dark
I make my cause
I go the course

Tonight has made
a thousand lights
flicker in my mouth catching
each drop

of scented hearths

Burning …
burning …
into embers ….


Dear Abigail

Realign your stars.

Our dreams are important too.


Call to the wilderness.

There are no victims,

no traitors.

A beating heart

A tertiary mind

A fear for you

A pulse beat

Awake, revive.

Be free,

for freedom is a call from within,

a memory of who we once were.

There is no art.

There is no science.

Beauty is truth.

Truth to be.


Beauty to be free.

– Pagpalain ka nawa –


to dance / on uneven
footsteps of our
endeavors / black and white
photos / on others’ walls /

our feast / doenjang guk
egg caramel custard
sinampalukang salmon
white wine / from
retail therapy and stress / devour /

i only drink / cheap wine
criminals / i want
less of the more
they show /

i dance
while i wait / share
a mismatched meal with me