i know these days…


i look for you under the walls
the silent facebook smiles

plastered on top of my bare skin
are wires counting down… ten… nine…

i think of your smile… eight… seven…
crookedly endearing… six… five… makes me come… four… three…

back to where… two… hide-and-seek… one…
is a game i shouldn’t play.


i watch those shows
you mentioned. the ones
about writers and the
lovers of writers.
i sit naked. typing.
the day wears on me, humid

like you. you are

no lover of writers — poets, even less.
i sit naked, typing because
of you. undressing you
from me. i no longer write
to you. you are no lover
of writers nor poets. i am
unseen. i make do and make it
worthwhile. i am naked. you
are not. it is better this way.
you will pass naked, too